Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Protect Those Piggies

If you are a dancer, or have danced in the past, then you know that foot problems are the absolute worst, particularly for ballerinas "en pointe".  Toes act as a support structure for the dancer, so basically, toes are to dancers as instruments are to musicians  However, because of a surplus of pressure on the toenail while en pointe, bruising often occurs.
Here's a bit of biology/anatomy for you. The nail bed of the toe contains many blood vessels.  The toenail is stuck to the nail bed via small ligaments, and too much pressure on the toenail can injure the ligaments, and cause bleeding.  As the bleeding continues, the toenail becomes thick, and a portion of or the entire toenail can be lost.

This usually happens over and over again, almost like a reoccurring nightmare, and many ballerinas come to accept the fact that they will always have bruised toes (bummer). But this can be prevented!
Bruised toes are usually caused by one of three things. Wide boxes, knuckling en point, and too-long toenails are all common causes of bruising. Wide boxes in pointe shoes let the toes fall into the pointe shoe creating too much pressure on the toenail. Knuckling en pointe will result in pressure on the toenail, and toenails that are too long can cause stress to the nail bed.

If you find yourself with bruised toenails, you should take measures to treat them ASAP. When you notice bruising, apply ice to the area for ten minutes at least three times daily. You should also keep the toenail clean by putting alcohol on the area at least twice daily. And do NOT attempt self treatment if bruising worsens because you can cause even more damage.
Last comes prevention. You should not allow your toenails to grow too long, and you should check your pointe shoes regularly to avoid dancing in uncomfortable shoes. Lastly, you should acknowledge any discomfort as soon as it occurs.

Consider these tips to care for, treat and protect your feet!
{source: www.4dancers.org}

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